The Counsels of Elijah, the Prophet


1. I am Elijah, the prophet of the Third Era, of the transfiguration on Mount Tabor. Prepare yourselves for you have been given the knowledge of the Seven Seals, and the doors of mystery have been opened so that you may contemplate the path of your salvation.

2. Behold the word of God fulfilled, pronounced since remote times by His prophets.

3. Be it known that there is joy in the celestial mansions and that it is the Divine Master, the Sacrificed Lamb, whom John beheld in his revelation, who has opened the Sixth Seal with his most powerful and perfect hand, and with it, the Third and last of the eras.

4. The light of the Sixth candlestick illuminates you, Humanity.

5. "Voice of the One who speaks in the wilderness, prepare the way for the Lord," the prophet announced, and here I am, preparing the coming of my Lord, of your Heavenly Father, the Great Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God who spoke to Moses in the Sinai, and delivered the Law to His people.

6. So here, then, the promise is fulfilled, and He returns, surrounded by His angels, to reveal every mystery and to show the path of salvation to every spirit; for it is in this period that the prophecy shall be fulfilled that "Every flesh will see Him, and every spirit will feel Him."

7. Therefore be prepared, Oh Israel, to receive your Lord and God, for the era of the Holy Spirit has now begun among you.

8. Twenty-two precepts are the legacy of the envoys of the Three Eras, precepts that clarify and explain to you the Law of God, so that you may guide yourselves during your human existence in accordance with them.

9. These 22 precepts form, in their unity, the Law, and they are formed by the explanation of the Commandments that God delivered through Moses, the envoy of the First Era; through the teaching of Jesus, the envoy of the Second Era, and by the precepts through Elijah, the envoy of the Third Era, which are revealed to the people of Israel through Roque Rojas, as a prelude toward the opening of the Sixth Seal, and the third of the Eras, the first of September of 1866, in this Mexican Nation.

And these precepts are:

lst. You shall love your God above everything created.

2nd. You shall not speak evil about your brethren, even though you might have a motive to do so. It is for God to defend your cause if it is a just one.

3rd. You shall not love any religion which does not recognize in Mary the maternal essence of God who has always existed, and you shall be charitable to your brethren whoever they are.

4th. You shall love your parents after God, and your children in the same manner; for the first, veneration and respect, and for the second, charity and good example in everything.

5th. You shall not swear nor hold God as a witness to a lie.

6th. You shall not work on the seventh day, for that day is for prayer and rest.

7th. You shall not take the woman of your brother as if she were your wife, nor shall you do harm to those who are not of your brothers.

8th. Do not dedicate yourself to usury, causing grave harm with it.

9th. Do not drink beverages that will intoxicate you, nor shall you use any element of Creation that will cloud your senses and submit you to lower passions.

10th. You shall not engage in a ruinous occupation that will take away your morality and protect the vices.

llth. You shall not defend civil war, thus dividing your brethren, nor shall you take part in foreign wars. You are only permitted to participate in activities of war if your nation is the one invaded and the government of that nation, whichever it is, would order it for their defense; and even then, you must comport yourself with the greatest charity and you will have no enemies, because you are all children of the same Father.

12th. Do not commit infanticide of children who are about to be born, because if you do, the Holy Spirit will demand accounting from you.

13th. Do not treat the poor harshly or severely, whoever they are.

14th. You shall not curse anything created.

15th. You shall not despise those who suffer illnesses you regard as revolting.

16th. You shall not speak badly of persons in public, thus causing their disgrace.

17th. You shall not abandon your children to strange hands, and you can only do so in your extreme necessity, and only when the proper conduct of the benefactor is known.

18th. You shall not force children to do any work that will teach them vices.

l9th. You shall not advise or teach your brethren stories and tales which are not true; and you shall not speak out nor propagate the wrong that your brothers say they will do.

20th. You shall not keep for yourself what belongs to others.

21st. You shall visit the sick and comfort them.

22nd. You shall not bear arms against your brethren or kill them, either with weapons or civil death.

11. If you proceed accordingly, and if you impart charity and more charity, your Shepherd says to you, you shall behold my Father in all His splendor.

12. Men and women of all ages will come before the presence of the Divine Master, and the word of the Father will reveal to each one the gifts he bears in his spirit, as well as the mission he has to fulfill.

13. Only He can do these things, for only He is the One who has donated to the spirit.

14. My Father has compared me to a Shepherd, and He has sent me to seek the lost and strayed spirits from the pathway of light. Those spirits, some incarnated and others free of the flesh, are to the Father like sheep whom He dearly loves and, for that reason, He wants them rescued and led to His bosom of perfection, which is the Divine fold where He awaits the arrival of His flock.

15. Elijah tells you: Get to know me, too. Penetrate into My messages and manifestations which I have brought to you during three eras by the will of the Father.

16. Envision me during the First Era struggling against the darkness of paganism and of idolatry, causing to descend upon the holocaust the ray of light of the true God, to open the eyes of the people toward the truth.

17. Behold me ascend in spirit toward the heavens in a chariot of fire, and from there communicate and speak through the spirit of Elisha, as an announcement of the things that were to come in the course of time.

18. Study the life of the Baptist, and in that forerunner you will find and understand, besides, that through it, the Father revealed to you the divine, perfect, and just law of the reincarnation of the spirit.

19. The spirit of prophecy is spread upon every spirit, so that you may have a vision of the eternity that awaits you.

20. The spiritual intuition, dormant for such a long time, will awaken and perceive all that is to come.

21. Now I come in spirit and I will make my presence felt among mankind, by combating with the fire of truth, idolatry, materialism, arrogance, and imposture.

22. I shall make way through thorns and thistles for the flock who, with gentleness, confidence, and faith, will follow me along the path of spirituality that leads toward the Father.

23. The struggle draws near; however, the divine power will be great upon the spirits so that they may triumph over the flesh, over the passions, and over evil.

24. I have not come to destroy nor put the spirits to death; instead, I have come to exterminate sin with the fire of justice of the Father. However, I say to you, that if in order to save a spirit, it is necessary for his body to succumb, that is within the justice of Divine love.

25. If these things confuse you here on Earth where a human body is considered as most sacred, in turn, a spirit who has been wrested from a body which carries him toward the abyss, once in the spiritual valley, he gives infinite thanks to his Father for having been rescued from the precipice, even when, for that reason, the flesh had to suffer.

26. It is true that Humanity is draining a cup that, being so bitter, deeply touches the very heavens. However, after the purification that man has brought upon himself, the resurgence of the spirit will come, and with it the renewal of virtue, of fraternity, and a worship agreeable to the Father.

27. My flock: observe how you have been given a name which represents gentleness, obedience, and humility; be therefore, the sheep of Elijah, and I, your Shepherd, shall take you by the hand or upon my shoulder to the presence of the Eternal in this Era.

28.I truly know you and there is no need of any material insignia, for I know that it is upon your spirit where the Father has placed His seal, His mark.

29. Upon presenting myself before you, manifesting myself through a human spokesman -a communication that I verify in fulfillment of the mandate of my Father - I salute you, oh chosen ones of God, called upon by the Father in this period!

30. It is my spirit who seeks you, who calls you, who prepares the pathway for you, and the one who tests you to prepare your arrival before the presence of the Master, through His word.

31. He is the One who chooses you. It is He who elects and grants you gifts, entrusts you missions or gives you responsibilities. I come to help you in your preparation toward spirituality, with the purpose of converting your being into a sanctuary where the essence of the Divine word is to be preserved.

32. Be aware that that essence is the power with which you will perform miracles, when you travel tomorrow along the pathway preaching and fulfilling your mission.

33. Anyone who allows that essence to penetrate within his spirit, will be capable of undertaking the pathway of elevation leading toward the Heavenly Father.

34. My destiny is to destroy the darkness of ignorance, that ignorance that has been the mother of fanaticism, of idolatry, of the superstitions, and of all vices and errors.

35. Observe the trail of My passing upon the Earth, and you will end up realizing that not only today, but rather in all eras, the mission of Elijah has been that of a Shepherd who guides a flock toward the Divine fold.

36. Between God and you, I find myself fulfilling the mission as intermediary, as forerunner, as a prophet and spiritual advisor of every being who needs the help of a strong spirit.

37. My loving flock: behold the word that comes from God; the word of the Master now draws near, and you will feel in its Divine essence, His presence and His omnipotence.

41. Contemplate Nature, observe the vegetation and you will realize that in it are the tiny plants which are of use to you as food and balsam.

42. Behold the sun king which day by day illuminates your Earth, and that day by day gives you warmth and life; and all this is because of the infinite love of the Father manifested in Nature, in His creation. It is the love of the Father for humanity, manifested through the elements of Creation.

43. The Father has not come to see your sin, just as He does not contemplate within you the treachery which you have reserved for Him in the future, because He is love and infinite forgiveness. However, in the same way that the Father loves you and forgives you, likewise should you also be charitable toward your brethren.

44. I am the Shepherd who has come to announce to mankind the true nature of human life so that peace may now reign within your hearts, thus liberating you from worry and pain, removing you away from anxiety and uneasiness.

45. Understand that you yourselves are the ones who bring about all those things disturbing you. Never say that the imperfections derive from the Father; all that pours from Him and what He gives you is love and protection, light and charity; take these things, because nothing bad can come from the Father.

46. If you experience chaos on Earth, if you feel pain in your heart, scrutinize even the most intimate part of your being, and in that manner you will know where the imperfection lies, where the pain is, and you will clearly understand that you yourselves are the authors of that pain and that death.

47. Humanity: You have not practiced the laws He left for His children; you have not earned merits. Is it, perhaps, that you do not want to reach the presence of the Father and to be welcomed and forgiven?

48. You are going through life with your mind set on material things. If you would only dedicate the five minutes the Father asks of you to elevate yourselves, He would provide you with strength and sustenance for the journey.

49. Beloved followers, pray for all those who are also your brothers; they are sons of the Father and the charity of the Father shall also reach them.

50. Israel, observe those who, for a moment, have forgotten the Creator, attributing the greatness on the Earth to their own intelligence, and to their own knowledge. Look at them; behold them confused, because they have not understood that everything has been created by the will of the Father and that He is the only One who bestows upon humanity.

51. Women: You know how to elevate your thought to the Father, and you also know how to appeal to the intercessor, to Her, the Mother, who prays for you and who blesses you women who suffer greatly and who offer me your heart filled with worries and suffering; you have understood the pain and know how to pray; you know how to plead for your fellow being, for the one who suffers, for the one who sheds tears and finds himself asking for charity from the Father.

52. Blessed children, beloved lambs, who are beginning your journey on this Earth, to you I say: be careful not to walk upon those paths filled with mire, nor allow your heart to enter into the caverns of darkness. Learn at a tender age that your footsteps should be in righteousness, because you shall restitute for every fault in spirit and in truth. Learn to appreciate the ordeals and suffering, because it is within that suffering that your spirit thinks of the Father. That is why I say to you, bless that pain, because that suffering hanging over you allows your spirit to evolve, in order to attain forgiveness and the grace of God.

53. And you, the parents, guide the children who are beginning to walk upon the Earth with tender steps; those hearts whom the Father has entrusted in your care, preparing them, so that they will not bear ill will, and so that they will always be unselfish and resigned with what the Father provides for them, for truly I say to you: unconformity along your path will gain you nothing, and you will only succeed in creating a pang of pain within your hearts. Elevate your thought and ask the Father that your guidance be filled with light and perfection.

54. He who heeds the words of my Father and understands them, will never thirst along his way again, because his spirit will have become satisfied in the waters pouring from the true fountain of Jacob.

55. You are the favored ones, and in your spirit you bear greatness. You possess the gifts and the light of the Holy Spirit.

56. Good will is all you need so that when you receive your brother's grief, you will pass on to him whatever the will of the Father disposes for him, knowing that everything that comes from the Father is good and is perfect.

57. Beloved sheep and lambs, on this day of grace allow the words of the Forerunner to be engraved in your hearts, so that your good intentions enlightens them and gives courage to the heart of your brethren.


1. You are the ones and the same from the First Era when your Eternal Father, the Great Jehovah, communicated with the humble and the prophets from Spirit to spirit, and through that communion, the spirit of those men was alert and ready to receive the blessed commands of the Father. That is how they guided Israel, so that those people, who are the same ones today, would be the strong ones, strong in gifts and in teaching.

2. Yes, beloved flock, you know it was during the Second Era when I, Elijah, reincarnated in John the Baptist, prepared the pathways of the Father, and great was the teaching which was delivered on the banks of the River Jordan, as great, also, were the multitudes who followed the Baptist. John the Baptist, who was my own spirit, indoctrinated the people so that upon the arrival of the Christ, our Redeemer, He would already find the lands fertile due to the infinite charity of the Father.

3. There were hearts who, as soon as they heard the good news of the arrival of the Promised Savior, recognized in the sweet Jesus, the Son of Man, acknowledging His great wisdom and His great love. But others, the greater part, did not recognize Him and therefore did not allow the Divine teaching to flourish among them.

4. Here then, my lambs, you are now in the Third Era, and the Father, filled with love and charity, comes again to deliver this infinite teaching in a clear and pure form, speaking to you in your own language, with this word which is goodness, which is regeneration.

5. Your Father prepares your heart so that it may receive the teaching, and so you may likewise prepare your own people and those who follow you.

6. This is the time when there is great confusion among humanity, but you have been spared from that confusion, and I have been preparing your footsteps to guide you along the road of perfection.

7. Yes, it is a time of struggle, but also of great manifestations of the Divine love among you. As in the days gone by, Jesus the Christ taught you, delivering to an ailing humanity a curative balsam, thus allowing the blind to see, the paralytic to walk, and the deaf to hear.

8. Thus spiritually, you have in your hands the ready gift of healing, and for that purpose you should have the heart and spirit ready also, so that when you feel the command to provide healing, this gift will give you strength and charity to anoint the sick, comfort the sorrowful, and encourage the desperate ones.

9. Light will pour from your spirit and the precious balsam will be in you to impart it, according to the will of the Father.

10. The Father says to you: Follow Me, for by following Me you shall receive great enlightenment in the spirit, and you will celebrate with pleasure in your heart.

11. The Father is not bound by time or moments which limit Him, as you have. The Divine Spirit is always ready to open His doors and welcome you.

12. From the heart of the Father flows blessings for you at every instant, the same which you find in the air you breathe, in the sun which gives you life, in the fruit which sustains you, and in the grain which nourishes you.

13. You are the favored ones of the Third Era, because the Father has come to seek His people from among those who are overwhelmed with suffering. I, your Shepherd, am rescuing you from sin, and removing the thorns from your path, so that you may not sin again, and thus recognize the great love of the Father for His children.

14. The Father is infinite forgiveness; at every instant His lips are open to forgive you, because you have emerged from His most pure heart.

15. Prepare yourselves, for the Father is near, very close to you.

16. People: Learn from this teaching, so that you may be the mirror without any blemish in which the multitudes may contemplate virtue and strength. Cleanse your heart of all materialism. Stay away from those pleasures that separate your spirit from grace, placing darkness in the mind and sorrow in the heart.

17. Comprehend that I do not wish to see you sad, for the Father gives you joy; so take it. A moment of perfection is enough on a day of twenty-four hours.

18. If you would only feel charity for a fellowman, you would behold, reflected in that charity the love of God.

19. In your good deeds, in your noble thoughts, God is there; that is why the Father says to you: I am within you. Dear lambs, do not reject the Father.

20. My beloved, if you do not want your heart to be invaded by wickedness and snatched by temptation, never permit thoughts of darkness and bad will to find lodging in you. May your deeds never be evil; restrain your bad character so that your anger never reaches your heart.

21. See how the Shepherd, filled with love and zeal, speaks to you. Temptation surrounds you, and you open the doors to it with your bad thoughts and bad deeds, and you permit pain and distress to enter, as much in your body as in your spirit.

22. How can you reject temptation? Your Spiritual Guide says to you: by purifying, recognizing that only from the Father can good emerge, not from the world, and that only in His Divine arms you will find true warmth and refuge.

23. Not only in the body do you find illnesses; these are purifications of the spirit, which burden the flesh. However, if the spirit is cleansed, if he is pure, then the Father removes the purification, because it is unnecessary, and thus you shall find relief in the flesh, to the point of attaining perfect health.

24. The Father creates His children to perfection. He did not place impurities within creation; it is the spirit who is gathering discord and wickedness along the pathway, a wickedness that is reflected in the heart and makes purification necessary, which is pain; not because the Father wants it so, but rather because you have caused it, and that is not the will of the Father.

25. Enter into prayer in the silence of your home. Elevate your thought toward the Father who knows every worry, and is aware of everv suffering in your heart, without the need of pronouncing any word whatsoever, and thus communicate with Him from spirit to Spirit to feel life, as much in the spirit as in the flesh, and restore them with fortitude and light in this manner.

26. Now is the time of purification, of the light of the Holy Spirit, the time in which every spirit must unite with the Father, because that is why you observe nations at war and suffering among mankind.

27. It is the time to recognize and follow the Father.

28. Woe! Woe! Is he who holds wicked intentions within his heart, because all evil shall be exterminated, tied and hurled into the fire as the Father announced. But to be free from that, the Father has sent you into the world anew to fulfill a mission.

29. Beloved fathers, you who were sent to form a home and have a family, have the responsibility that your young ones do not stray, and as heads of family, you should set a good example and give your blessings.

30. You, women of Israel, have a delicate mission on Earth, similar to Mary, the Purest Mother, because you should be the loving skylarks filled with warmth, filled with love, and because of it, you should not carry a whip in your hands toward your little ones. No, my beloved ones, it is the perfect will of the Father that with love you should be guiding the steps of your young children; speak to them about the Father so that at an early age they may recognize their Father who is in the Great Beyond, and from those little ones of today will emerge the illuminated, the prophets, the doctors.

31. Do you see, beloved people, what a delicate mission falls upon each of you?

32. To those of you who find yourselves on Earth without a cause, you may not know for what purpose the Father has sent you, though your spirit could possess a great responsibility, a great mission that you must fulfill, and in that manner find happiness.

33. Vanity shall be exterminated from its roots, also the uncontrollable desire for ambition. Every imperfection must be withdrawn from the human heart in order to be granted the grace of God.

34. You have been given shelter; you have been given clothing and bread. However, you have yearned to be great on Earth, and when you find yourselves influential, you turn greedy.

35. No, you should not behave that way. From all the graces the Father has bestowed upon you; from all the virtues He has given you, share with your brethren. Do so generously without limit, because the Father has given you without measure.

36. Spiritualist Trinitarian Marian follower: When you give to your brother and fellowman, that goodness will multiply a hundredfold. The fountain of living water will flow in torrents upon you and those around you.

37. Your heart is the altar which the Father enjoys. That is why you should make sure that the Father does not find anything material or impure therein.

38. When the Father finds a heart thus prepared, He rejoices, as do also the spiritual legions of light, and those beings intone "hosanna, hosanna" to the Father when He shows them an unblemished heart, because our Divine Master said during the Second Era: "Allow the children to come to Me, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven;" because they are hearts without malice, without wickedness.

39. And here then, these hearts are the ones the Father seeks to entrust them great missions on Earth, for from them will emerge the one who will direct Humanity, who will teach them how to go forth and abolish all wickedness and temptation: The people of Israel.

40. I know that many will say to Me: "Good Shepherd, we already know this," and I ask you: "Have you done good and have you carried out what you know?"

41. I observe that at certain moments you have good will; however, when an obstacle crosses your path, you turn your back denying Me, and you blaspheme.

42. You are not the hearts who go forth filled with patience; on the contrary, impatience consumes you.

43. You are not those who, upon hearing and understanding My words, practice and fulfill them. That is why I have come to speak and appeal to you, beloved flock, because the harvest that I must deliver to the Father are good deeds, and not conflicts, because the reckoning of the Eternal Father to the Shepherd would be too great.

44. Observe that your Shepherd also weeps, for his spirit is filled with submission, filled with love for you, beloved flock.

45. And what can I present to the Father? Help me by recognizing the blessed Doctrine of the Father, and truly I say that you will not regret it.

46. You are the young children who are treading upon the Earth. Many of you still seek the Father in the unknown and in the mysterious, when He is so close to you, being that as Lord and God, He is your Master.

47. The Father is anxious to communicate with you Spirit to spirit. He wishes to celebrate the true and spiritual communion with each and every one of His very beloved children.

48. It is the Divine and perfect will that you should prepare yourselves and receive His teaching, His word, and His love, within your own heart.

49. I, your Shepherd, give you light in your mind and the will to follow the footsteps of our Father. I shall remove the heavy cross from your shoulder and lighten your burden.

50. I forget no one; I receive everyone.

51. High and low mountains, all roads and places, everything on Earth, receive the blessing of the Shepherd; carry my light and my forgiveness.

52. Places of suffering, hospitals, jails, and prisons: At this moment may you be invaded with the light of the Spirit, so that light may penetrate into every conscience, and so that the one who finds himself in a bed of suffering may feel it and carries it; and that the spirit who is about to be separated, the light may shine, and, filled with submission and obedience, he may follow the path of that light.


4. The Divine Master does not wish to see you continue suffering along your pathway. He does not want to contemplate you weeping in private, or before the world. All He asks of you is five minutes of true elevation in order to deposit within you everything that your spirit may need.

5. You have not learned how to ask, and the very loving heart of the Father suffers for it. He suffers for you because even though you have the light of the Father within your spirit, you are still in darkness.

6. That is why the Father sends me as your Shepherd to advise you about good deeds and to show you the correct pathway where you will find peace and enlightenment for your spirit.

7. Most loving flock, Your Shepherd says to you: Arise this very instant; have faith and confidence because I want to see smiles on your lips and harmony among your families. I want peace for your spirit. I want to see that you have a crust of bread in abundance so that you may not suffer from hunger and thirst. I wish to see in you spiritual, as well as material strength and health.

8. I do not want to see you under strain along the pathway. I do not wish to see you weaken in this world; I do not wish to see lamentation and suffering within the homes; I do not want to see tears in your eyes, and that is why I come during the trying moment of trial and give you spiritual comfort.

9. And to you, loving lamb, who presents to Me your companion who has forgotten his responsibilities toward his own, I say to you: regard yourself as the dove of the nest, cooing, with always a smile upon your lips. Give your young ones a good example and do not look badly upon your companion; forgive him with all your heart, and I, as a luminous beacon, will illuminate his mind which today is in darkness, so that he will regard you favorably and comply with his obligations as a father and husband, bringing peace and harmony to your home.

10. And my light is upon you, as upon every home which infringes the law of my Father, God and Lord.

11. Men, loving lambs: Once again I exhort you to forget the lower passions of the world; do not listen anymore to the voice of temptation, and dedicate yourselves to your own family. But even so, do not become fanatical. Remember that there is a whole world who needs a great deal from your example and your word of love.

12. Regenerate, regenerate yourselves, and what you were yesterday do not become today; do not become deserving of a reclamation by my Eternal Father, Great Jehovah.

13. Do not familiarize yourselves with the word of my Father and do not consider it enough to only listen to His word. It is necessary for you to put it into practice during your existence and along your pathway, for a mandate is enclosed in each syllable, and with your petitions you have contracted a commitment which you must fulfill, so that later on, with your work and struggle, you may come before the Father to present to Him the fruits of your effort.

14. The Father has come to put aside the bad thoughts which existed within you, in your mind and in your heart. He comes to remove the clashing in evil and to convert you into obedient sons so that by living a clean and transparent life you will arise along the pathway, manifesting obedience and submission, and forgiving, in spirit and in truth, everyone who has offended you.

15. Love one another as the Father loves you. This is the Law of God in all eras. This is His spiritual Doctrine, and in this Third Era the Father has returned to proclaim it again so that you will practice it at all times and in all places.

16. And what is His Law? It is love, love, and more love.

18. Fulfill the law; do not remain stationary along the pathway. Do not permit laziness to detain you in the spiritual progress.

19. Do not be satisfied to be where you are, nor be what you are today.

20. The Father has come during the Third Era to show you His Work, which is pure and Divine; therefore, just as He works, you should also work.

21. Respect and appreciate time; note that each day that goes by in which you do not work, is a day lost in eternity. Be aware how life escapes from your heart moment by moment, and for that reason you should take advantage of the time.

22. Give thanks to the Father on each new dawn for having granted you one more day for your fulfillment. Remember that you are transients in this world, and that you will reach old age in the most unexpected moment, and the day will come when you will have to show your harvest at the end of the journey.

23. And just as I have accompanied you along the way, you will also find Me at the end of your human existence to help you move on from this material valley to the spiritual valley.

24. Again I say to you: Do not be satisfied with what you have attained up to now; arise with all the strength and the will of your heart to comply with the sacred Doctrine of the Father; to comply with the Law.

25. During your moments of material rest, go over the word of the Father. Make a clear review in your conscience and study and analyze the Doctrine of the Father, and be the ones who may at least comply with the first precept which commands you to love God with all your heart.

26. Once that precept has become part of you, continue and do not lose heart, because twenty-two are the Precepts and ten are the Commandments of the Law of the Father.

30. It was prophesied that when the world reached its third level of perversity, the light of the Holy Spirit would be manifested therein.

31. The word of the Father has been fulfilled. You are the ones who have not complied, because the human being bears ungratefulness within his heart, and doubt and mistrust dwell within himself.

32. The nations perish; Humanity finds itself submerged in darkness, and it is you, beloved flock, the entrusted one to be the support, the stepping stone upon which may rest all those who have not rejoiced in the pleasure and the grace which you bear.

35. Study, study and analyze so that you will not succumb. Behold how precious is time that will no longer return. There will not be another time, because this Third Era is the last of the eras, and my Father will not descend among humanity anymore.

36. All of you get together and form a book from the teachings of the Third Era - The Book of the True Life - that the Father has come to bequeath to you. Do not be concerned if you do not possess in material form the first teachings and Doctrine which He delivered to the first ones in the beginning of this Era, because He promised and He has complied. Besides, during the last three years of His manifestation through a human spokesman, the Father Himself would summarize all that He came to impart to you during this time of grace; a time that has now come to an end.

37. Therefore, you can be certain that the Book of those three years will contain all the essence and wisdom which the Father has come to leave to you during this time. However, you must study and analyze up to the last one of His words to extract that same essence and wisdom.

39. Take into account that the illness you bear in the spirit is many times greater than the one you suffer in the flesh.

40. Your spirit is eternal, and the pain you place therein does not disappear with the death of the flesh. So many who suffer in the flesh, await the arrival of the angel of death so that he may alleviate his suffering and allow him to rest; and thus, when the spirit discarnates, leaves behind the ailments of the flesh. But what about those of the spirit? In what bed of suffering, or in what grave can he leave them?

42. The Father, in a figurative meaning, has come to deposit His seal upon your forehead, the Trinitarian Marian triangle, so that the very elements of Creation will recognize and respect you.

43. Truly I say to you, you are ignorant of the power that is in your spirit; of what potent faculties he possesses and how much light has been radiated upon you, and all this is because you know nothing of yourselves.

44. My flock, you are the chosen ones to spread the Good News to the nations. You must go to the different lands and to the different people to announce to them that the Divine Master, as the Holy Spirit, has once again descended among humanity in fulfillment of His word.

45. Imagine how great their sorrow will be when they realize that the Divine word through a human spokesman will no longer be heard after 1950. They will weep for not having enjoyed this blessed teaching that you possess.

46. That is why you have the inescapable responsibility to prepare yourselves in order to be the heralds who will spread this blessed teaching. Arise, arise, for the time is precious, and you should take advantage of it.

47. In all eras man has sought to worship effigies, idolize images, and to render them homage, and that is also how it has been in this period. However, I say to you, the Father has come in this Third Era to teach you to seek Him in the Beyond, where you shall behold Him with the eyes of the spirit.

49. What are you waiting for, humanity, to believe what the Divine Master is saying?

50. Also in the Second Era, you did not believe Him. He ministered along the river banks, the open spaces, and along the valleys, and He delivered His word to you. His stay with you was short, as was His word and His teaching; however, each syllable contained a whole book of wisdom.

51. Humanity, you scorned the teaching of the sweet Master; and remember how much you made Him suffer when you carried Him toward the scaffold among shouts and blasphemies, even in the very same bosom of Israel, His people. He was disowned and rejected, and for that reason the Israelite nation was dispersed, a dispersion which continues to this day.

55. If I have granted you a physical body, it is not so that you may render it worship; rather, it was so that you may restitute with it on this planet Earth. You have requested an opportunity and a body and it has been granted to you.

56. You are not here by chance; you have not come by reason of coincidence. If you are here, it is because you have been sent to Earth to fulfill a restitution and with a mission. And that has nothing to do with material things nor with the pleasures of the flesh.

57. You have forgotten the Pact, and for that reason, behold the suffering along your pathway! The taste of bitterness is in your mouth and grief knocks at the door of your heart.

58 Behold how great is the love of the Father! And just think that during all the eras you have made His Divine heart bleed. At every moment He has always come out to the path to seek you, extending His provident hand, without regarding your blemish and your sin, pouring upon you His love and His fortitude, so that you may be the strong one along the road.

59. The youths have strayed; the flowers are stripped at an early age; there is no modesty in the maidens nor innocence among young people. How much perversity there is on this Earth!

60. And you sleep, oh blessed flock; you sleep along your pathway because the pain you bear is small if you compare it with that of those who ignore this teaching and who suffer and cry out deep in their hearts to the Father, to the Immaculate Queen of the Heavens.

61. And thus, with her most pure and Divine heart, She covers with Her mercy the blessed children and the desolate widows. And you, what will you do?

62. Arise, the Shepherd says to you, for you must sally forth to the nations; you have to imitate those men who, during the Second Era, surrounded the Divine Master and, that in complying with His mandate, arose to sow along the pathways of Humanity without carrying extra footwear nor provisions, maintaining only confidence and absolute faith in the Father, to sow that which, with so much perfection, had been deposited in their hands.

63. In all eras, the Father has always availed Himself of the humble to surprise, in that manner, the wise men on Earth and the men of great power.

64. The Father, beloved flock, loves you very much, and because of His love, you are now in this path which will guide the spirit toward the Promised Land; to the land which flows with milk and honey, and where the true happiness and eternal life is found.

65. Who shall be the ones who will reach it? Who will be the ones who will be able to go through its doors?

66. All of you as a whole shall reach that Realm which, I say to you once more, is the realm of peace, the promised realm that is waiting for the blessed people of Israel in eternity.