1.   In truth, certainly and without doubt, whatever is below  is  like that which is above, and  whatever is above is  like  that  which is below. To accomplish the miracle of  the  one  thing.

2.   Just as all things proceed from one alone by meditation  on  one alone, so also are they  born from this one thing  by  adaptation

3.   Its father is the Sun and its mother is the Moon.   The  wind has borne it in its body.  Its nurse is the earth.

4.   It  is the father of every miraculous work in the whole  world.

5.  Its power is perfect if it is converted into earth.

6.  Separate the earth from the fire and the subtle from the  gross, softly and with great prudence.

7.  It rises from earth to heaven and comes down again from  heaven to earth and thus  acquires the power of the realities  above and the realities below.  In this way you will acquire  the  glory  of the whole world and all darkness  will  leave  you.

8.  This  is the power of powers, for it conquers everything  subtle and penetrates     everything solid.

9.  Thus  the  little  world is created  according  to  the  prototype of the great world.

10.   From  this and in this way marvelous applications  are  made.*

11.  For this reason I am called Hermes Trismegistus, for  I possess the three parts of wisdom of the whole world.

12.  Perfect is what I have said of the work of the Sun.

NOTE:  Precept 10 has another interpretation, from the  original  Arabic,  which   is  maybe more  appropriate  and  of  considerable interest:
10.  This is the way traversed by the sages.
Heavy  going, but required reading in the field.  Study  the  precepts  well, they will help you to understand  the  truth  upon which alchemy is based.