The Divine Tenderness

Message No. 1

1. The spirit of Mary is among you.

2. My infinite presence, felt by those who have been able to spiritual1y prepare themselves, is truthful. It pleases me to visit my Marian people, so that they may feel my presence close to their heart, and so that they may hear my maternal voice, with the love and trust with which the small child usually hears the stories that his mother relates.

3. Listen: In that period, hidden among the mountains of Galilee, there existed a village called Nazareth, formed by humble houses where tranquility, simplicity and peace reigned. There, ignored and silent, awaiting her mission, lived a maiden who was the treasure of her parents.

4. They named me Mary which signifies lady, and ever since my childhood I knew that my destiny in the world was to serve the Father as the most humble of His servants. During my infancy I passed many hours devoted to prayer and meditation, in sweet ecstasy that gave strength to my heart as a woman, to enable me to resist the critical moments that waited for me. But also, like all children, I knew of infantile games, because I have always loved the children.

5. How many times my heart was moved by the innocence of the little ones who sought my company, to enjoy the tenderness that in my heart I felt for them. They were the same children who later on, would hear the Divine Master consecrate me at the foot of the cross, as the spiritual mother of Humanity.

6. The knowledge of God and of the superior things that the Lord revealed to me, allowed me to prepare many hearts, making it known to them that the time was drawing near for the coming of the promised Savior; but never at any time did my lips reveal that I was the chosen one among all women in whom the incarnation of the Word would be consummated. I was to wait for that moment when the voice of the Father would reveal to all men my true essence through the lips of Jesus.

7. Through those silent nights of Nazareth I prayed for mankind. And how much pain took hold of my heart for those sick of body and spirit! How I grieved for those lonely hearts who suffered from the hunger and their thirst for love! My prayers were also elevated for all those who endured the cross of ungratefulness and injustice.

8. I had the presentiment, in the depth of my being, of the pain that was to pierce my heart as a mother at Calvary.

9. Oh, Nazareth, flower of Galilee, you were my small earthly homeland! There, humble as all the women, I knew of the human chores, to which I devoted myself with love and joy, submissive and obedient, recognizing that home is a temple where the spirit of the Lord dwells.

10.   But another temple waited for me when I became a maiden, and it was the one which was to come for me to devote myself to the service of God, where my spirit and my flesh would become prepared and fortified in prayer and in the practice of the law. From that temple I would emerge one day to unite myself in matrimony with Joseph, the noble elderly who would be for a brief time my companion on Earth.

11.   One night, transported in prayer, while conversing with the Highest, the Angel of the Lord came to me to announce that I would shortly conceive the only begotten Son of the Father. Deep in thought I contemplated the celestial apparition, but not surprised by what he had just announced to me, inasmuch as my spirit knew of the mission that he had brought to the world. Nevertheless, my heart as a woman and as a virgin wife, felt overwhelmed in the face of such grace granted to a humble creature and I prayed to give thanks.

12.   From my eyes poured a torrent of tears of happiness, and also of pain, and I said to the Father: Lord, my spirit rejoices within you, my savior, because you have done great things, because you are almighty and your name is Holy.

13.   The months went by and the day drew near when the words of the spiritual emissary would be fulfilled and so I arranged the humble bedroom where my beloved Jesus, the fruit of my womb, was to be born.

14.   But God had arranged everything in a different manner, and having had to depart in the company of Joseph toward Bethlehem of Judea, obeying an order from Caesar, the child was to be born far away from Nazareth.

15.   Painful and lengthy was the journey for who would shortly become a mother, and useless was the search in Bethlehem for a place to rest. Not a single door was opened at my call. But everything had been prepared by the Lord, since there, on the outskirts of the city, a cavern where humble shepherds usually sought shelter with their flock, was the place selected by God for the birth of my beloved Son, the promised Messiah.

16.   My children: Verily I say to you that there does not exist in your language any words which can express what my eyes contemplated in that instant when the Word, made man, was born to the light of the world and rested on my bosom. A radiant light illuminated that Being who, upon opening his eyes, enveloped me in a smile of infinite love.

17.   What joy so great invaded my heart as a mother! But there was so much loneliness and poverty in our surroundings that I felt distressed. I would have liked to cover that little body in gala clothes, knowing that He was King, but I could only wrap him with my kisses of love, give him the best bedding and I could only offer Him a manger for a cradle.

18. An illustrious silence enveloped that holy night, without the lords of the Earth nor the kings of the world, asleep in lethargy and darkness, having any presentiment that the Son of God had arrived among men.

19. The shepherds of Bethlehem of simple and humble heart, were the ones who felt in the depth of their being the gentle footsteps of the newborn baby.

20. In the middle of the night, the Angel of the Lord appeared before them and he said to them: “Have no fear, as I have come to announce to you a very great joy for this village, because today was born, in the city of David, the Savior, the Christ, the Messiah, whom you have been waiting for, and the sign is that you will find him reclining in the manger of the stable. He is the Messiah."

21. At that instant the sky became illuminated with a radiant light and an army of angels intoned in a sweet voice: "Glory be to God in the highest of the Heavens and peace on Earth to men of good will."

22. Deep in thought, enraptured, they received the divine message announced centuries before by the prophets of the Lord.

23. When the vision had passed, the shepherds, with their hearts overflowing with happiness, went forth in search of relatives and friends to give them the good news. Later, the light of the Lord guided their footsteps to the cavern, where the Son of God reposed on the padding of straw of a manger.

24. A scene of humbleness and of light was offered to the eyes of the shepherds. That child, to whom they knelt to adore, was the Man-God who had come to Earth to save mankind from the yoke of sin.

25. Oh, My Father, who in all eras has searched for simple hearts to reveal to them your high plans, knowing that the wise and powerful men disown you and deny you.

26. You, laborers of my beloved people, who come to hear your Lord, are the simple of heart whom my Father looks for in this period, so that you may carry the news of His new advent.

27. You men, women, elders and children who at this moment hear the voice of your Celestial Mother, are the humble hearts who have known how to listen to the voice of the Angel of the Lord in this era, announcing the spiritual presence of the Divine Master. I bless your submission to that calling of love and I compare you to the shepherds of those times, because you have not become scandalized on finding Him in the most complete humility, unaware of the worlds pomp. And for the faith that you show in the face of these revelations, the Lord wishes to repose on the bedding that you have prepared for Him in your heart.

28.1 receive the gifts of love that you offer Me, converting them into peace for all the nations of the world, into caresses for the children and into strength for the men who struggle in life. I embrace within my mantle of love all the women and I wipe away the tears of all the mothers, wives, widows and the abandoned ones, who drink drop by drop their chalice of bitterness.

29.   Humanity: I love you infinitely. I have no reproach against those who do not recognize me as the Mother, because I not only love those who love me or believe in me. All of you are mine and everybody will reach the presence of the Father, where you will see me with my loving arms waiting for you, to make you feel the warmth of my bosom from which you shall never turn away.

30.   Oh, blessed children, beloved orphans, young ones who are confused and journey along without a course, receive my light! Maidens and young men: be strong in the face of the turmoil of life so that you will not lose your fragrance. Blessed children: receive my caress and my gifts.

31. Lonely hearts, who hunger for love and thirst for tenderness and understanding, I announce to you that soon you will find the treasure desired.

32.   Toward that end I leave for you a lighted torch of faith in your existence.

Message No. 4

1. Mary, your Mother, is going to talk to you about how Jesus was on Earth.

2. He was humble, all love, comprehension and charity; His eyes were gentle, His hands soft. He was like an iris, His voice was caressing and His word illuminated like a star. He was like a balsam, like a cooing of a dove. He always spoke of the Kingdom of His Father, of good and beautitul tliings, and the men and the children listened to Him transported into a superior world.

3. His protection was of a loving shepherd and His teaching was the best of all teachers. The children loved Him; they rejoiced when Jesus placed His hand upon their heads and their face reflected the happiness when He looked at them. How much love toward men! How much love for the children! When they came to me, they said to me: we came looking for our friend Jesus. How many beautiflil things did my eyes contemplate! How much joy did my spirit experience for having been the Mother of Jesus!

4. The men contemplated His miracles. As a child, an elderly man came close to Him saying: "I know that you possess certain virtues and I came to you seeking help. My sown field is withering for lack of water. Jesus accompanied the ancient to those fields and after elevating His eyes toward the Heavens, He spoke a few words and torrential water fell, fertilizing everything. The ancient gathered an abundant harvest and said to me: "This child has a virtue that the Lord has given him, since never had my fields produced so much, nor have my granaries been so full. And the Mother was happy contemplating the fulfillment of the word of the Father and the obedience of the Son.

5. That Child, converted later into the Master, spoke in parables to instruct His disciples about the laws of the Father and of His perfect plan. And how many times in speaking to those who followed Him, forgot that He had not taken any bread to His lips!

6. The Master spoke of a message that He had not learned from men. He indoctrinated them as no one had ever done before and many times the disciples, who coexisted near Him and knew His language, did not understand the significance of His words. And that was because He spoke to them in a spiritual meaning that they at times were unable to comprehend.

7. After the rapture with which I looked upon My Son, watching him change from a child to an adolescent, my heart as a mother had the presentiment of the end that waited for Him at the conclusion of His mission on Earth.

8. He as a child, went into ecstasy admiring the things created by his Father. On some occasions He would say: "Mother, look at the limpidity and transparency of the waters; how much beauty in the flowers when they unfold in the spring. Such is the heart of one who loves. That is how I love Humanity. An eternal song of love is within Me”.

9. Jesus shined more than the rays of the sun, because from Him reflected a light that embellished all His Being. His eyes were not the same as of other men or like other teachers, but rather they penetrated into the hearts giving them life. It seemed that the light of day added its beauty to caress everything He saw. His eyes, always serene, had a secret, profound message.

10.   He spoke to me with great assurance since a child and said to me: “My Father spoke to me tonight and I have received His message, and I have felt Him within my heart".

11.   A very great beatitude enveloped Him when He elevated his spirit to enter in communion with the Father. Afterwards, when He went forth searching for the sad and sick ones, phrases filled with love and of light poured out from His lips. His language, simple and profound at the same time, reached all hearts.

12.   My life near Jesus was a luminous day; away from Him, was a night of darkness and without stars. The life close to Jesus was a poem.

13.   All His life was a lesson of spirituality, and I, the happy Mother of that Son that Heaven had entrusted me, accompanied Him step by step in His transit in the world. After that happiness would come the suffering. But the Son and the Mother would comply with the divine will.

14.   Magdalene, speaking to me of Jesus said to me: "0nly a ray from His eyes was enough for my thoughts to change. My spirit was touched from its lethargy. My heart shook on feeling the spiritual love. The light from His eyes was sufficient to change my life."

15.   How many times, at the close of day, Jesus being still a child, I stretched him in my arms and conversed with him. I talked to him about God or of the announcements of the prophets and I would say to him: "The illuminated ones have taught that the Son of God will come to save all men" Then, so as not to reveal His mission, He remained silent and appeared to be asleep. I continued talking to Him: "We know that a prophet will come when the world slumbers spiritually and be given to sin, to announce the proximity of the Kingdom of the Heavens, "and He knew who that prophet was, but He remained pensive in profound thoughts. At other times I would talk about His birth, telling Him that some wise men had come to pay Him homage of their love," and He only smiled.

16.   When He raised his eyes towards the Heavens they shined more than the sun itself. Many times I surprised Him talking to someone whom I could not see. He knew that He was the Son of God; as also did my heart as the Mother, but seldom did we talk about what we both knew.

17.   When someone in need knocked on the door of our home asking for charity my son received him with gentleness and would say to him: I have come amongst you to make you owners of a great kingdom, and would talk to him at length, then that needy person forgot his poverty and would depart satisfied.

18. He would tell me that the time would come when the altars made by the hand of man would disappear, and that God would manifest Himself in another manner; that He would spread rays of light to all men. And that is what He had reserved for this period, in order to elevate you with His word and complete His work that way.

19. Jesus had such a power that when He said to men: “Follow Me", they would do it abandoning the material things without thinking. Because he who listens to Him cannot live without His word. And it was because His message was captivating and filled with truthfulness. When He conversed with me, He would say that the love of the Celestial Father is the first and the last one; that He is the beginning and the end of every creature. That what comes from Him shall return to Him.

20. He never rested, because He said He must take advantage of the time to give men what belonged to them: the divine message. That is why, on having the presentiment of what awaited for Him, his face filled with tenderness seemed to conceal that secret. I knew from the prophecies that the Son of God would be sacrificed.

21. When He prayed, He seemed to become transported to other regions, and later, upon retuning from His ecstasy, He would say to me: “Mother, I will depart soon, because there are missions which my Father has entrusted to me and I am going to fulfill them. Humanity calls for me, they need me and I must go to them, to give them what my Father has ordered me to do. I have come to restore - to redeem”.

22. That Jesus so sweet, so tender, who loved Humanity so much, one day was sacrificed by them. When they took Him to Calvary I asked: “What has He done to men but give them the fragrance of His exquisite love?" And when His body was deposited in my arms, there was no place where you could put a finger on Him. In what manner could you touch His wounds, since all His body was sorely bruised?

23. His hands that had caressed so much were pierced. His feet, which had traveled all along the roads in His unceasing sowing of love were also perforated...He was all bruised. His enemies had concluded their deed, but in their heart they felt that Jesus had been just. Some of them felt in Him the presence of the Messiah. Jesus knew it all; however, He had not a single reproach against them. He loved everyone tenderly, even Judas who betrayed Him.

24. His last look was very sad. “Mother", He said to me, "Behold your son”, referring to John, His disciple. I loved John and at that hour I took him as my son, since he had in his virtue a similarity of Jesus. He was my comfort in my old age.

25. When the voice of Jesus ceased, I could not with all my love close His wounds.

26.   Oh, My Son, within you was hidden the truthfulness of the Father. I remember you as a child, I admire you as the Word and I love you as the emissary! Those who listened to you as a man m the Second Era and today they hear you in Spirit, will always remember you!

27.   My beloved: You were a constant devotion to your children in dedicating your love to the poor, to the sick, to the sinners. Your lips that spoke of love, were closed because of the human incomprehension. Your thirst was for love and they could not quench it. There is a lack of prudence on Earth, because man repulses the divine illumination. The virtues fade little by little and only searches for a false light that science gives out. And you have come to talk to them about the light that is never extinguished.

28.   Breath of my life, the cause of my happiness and my suffering! I bless your children, your disciples, and as their mother, I will continue to instruct them.

29.1 bless the human race and that my charity be among the mothers who journey along the pathway of flowers and thorns. I wish that you will never hear the yelling of a mob clamoring for the death of your son. Can you imagine what went through the heart of Mary in those hours of infinite pain? That you never know of those things, oh, mothers! Because if you should have to endure that ordeal, you would not resist it.

Message No. 10

1. Men and women who form the new people of the Lord: I am the Mother who draws near you to comfort you and to give you strength in the vicissitudes of life.

2. My sons. You begin to feel the nostalgia for your spiritual homeland, after searching in vain for the perfect peace on this Earth. You carry the cross of pain and you ask yourself why you have not as yet reached the Promised Land. I say to you that the hour is not far when you shall see appear before you the first lights of the Great City. For now you have received the message of your Master, who comes to teach you to recover your gifts which form your legacy, so that you may return to Him, after having put His lessons into practice.

3. All Creation has been prepared with announcements and signs to awaken men toward spirituality. The times have been fulfilled and the Lord has come to His people to ask for an accounting of the missions that He has entrusted to them, since everything will be judged according to what was prophesied.

4. The Lord has arranged everything with wisdom. The countless trials that you have gone through, are steps that draw you close to Him. It is true that you carry a cross on your shoulders, but think that everything is due to just and irrevocable laws and it is necessary for you to be willing to settle your debt, with obedience and love.

5. Rise up to the spiritual struggle. Penetrate into the human heart and you will discover that not all men are insensible. Many have been able to wash away their worries with resignation, blessing their Lord and receiving with humility the suffering as well as the happiness.

6. Feel the pain of others, spread the balsam that heals and pacifies the heart. That balsam is the spiritual light, the truth revealed in the teachings of the Master and the counseling of your Mother.

7. Be filled with hope, because the Lord has come to save you. Learn from Him and when you feel you are His disciples go forth along the pathways, follow His footsteps and you shall find the Road, the Truth and the Life.

Message No. 11

11.   Beloved daughters, who have come to fulfill a delicate mission. I invite you to prayer, to the practice of virtues, toward patience and to humility. Each one of you carries a cross of sufferings through which you will perfect yourselves. Be patient in your trials and persevering in the fight for your spiritual elevation. Comply with your duties as daughters, as disciples and later as companions of men. Carry out your missions as wives, cultivate the heart that has been entrusted to You; be watchful for him and lead him along the best pathway and later, when you have reached the gift of maternity, keep a vigil on your children. They, as part of yourself, will take on the virtues which you wish for them to have. Those spirits shall be filled with gifts to fulfill the mission that the Father entrusted them. Some shall work in silence and others will manifest themselves before multitudes. Some will be prophets and other counselors and instructors; everyone shall have as a mission the universal peace and the keys of regeneration for this world. Look after their actions, their footsteps and thoughts.

12.1 am the Mother who watches over the human race and over all the worlds. Women: be strong against temptation and sin; repulse all the impurity. Make your home a temple where there is a worship of peace, of love and of fraternity. Advise righteousness only; never give way to division. You are collaborators of the Divine work. Arise with virtue as a banner. Always speak with prudence and inspiration and your voice shall be heard.

13.   Do your best so that your good deeds may multiply and your gifts within you shall not fade away. The greater you practice, they will be more abundant. Each seed that you sow will germinate, and if you do not contemplate it in this world, later, along your spiritual path, the Master will show you the fruits of your labor and fufillment you did on Earth.

14.   And you, men, representatives of the Lord on Earth, who bear within your heart the fortitude, the love and justice, watch over the world; pray for the weak and defenseless ones. Each one of you be an apostle of truthfulness. Prepare yourselves so that later on you will remain as preachers among Humanity.

15.   The world will look for you and shall put your gifts to the test. Blessed be the strong ones, those who journey along the pathway filled with faith. The lessons of the Master have not been only for yourselves, since tomorrow you must carry them to your brothers, to those who are waiting the fulfillment of the prophecies. You shall raise your voice to those who slumber, as the hour draws near when Mankind awakens and knows how to interpret the happenings in their present life and the trials that the Lord is giving them so that they will rise and take heed of the Master's voice, who invites them to become His followers, His disciples.

16.   Your actions will be the best testimony; not always shall it be necessary to speak. It will be enough for the needy to enter your home so that they will feel the beneficial influence and peace that reigns within. Go forth in search of Humanity who has ftllen into a deep abyss, and has suffered for the lack of assistance. The powerful arm of the Lord has held the men back so that they fall no more and that they can lift themselves from the abyss and recover what they have lost spiritually.

17.   Be rejoiced, because the Father has looked upon you and has granted you great gifts. Love with all the strength of your being. Love the Creator, serve Him and He will come to you to tell you: "Lift your head - you are My beloved son, My disciple".

Message No. 12

1. Here I am in spirit. I have come to bring you the message of love that you expect from Me.

2. The heart of all mothers weep, touched before the presence of Mary.

3. Welcome, mothers who have experienced the satisfaction of having formed a family. Mothers who weep for the absence of a son, searching for him in space at times, during those nights of silence, ascending to the heights through your thoughts. And the other one in the darkness of the abyss as deep as you can descend, calling for him. You possess the secret of redemption through love. You are the guide and luminous beacon for your sons. You are the intermediaries between Heaven and Earth. God placed the tenderness within your heart, so that you will spread it on all those who surround you.

4. To you Mothers who are happy and to those who are sad, I dedicate these words; also to those who accompany their sick son at bedside; the same as those who weep because their son suffers morally and also to those women who suffer because their son is in prison. My heart descends upon all the Mothers of the world.

5. Among all of them there is a petition on the tip of the tongue for those beloved beings; a teardrop to manifest their pain for them; but their heart always filled with hope in Me.They present it to Me filled with ideals, like flowers which are always renovating. All of you are the promise of human redemption and the hope of a better life in this world.

6. The divine wisdom has deposited within your heart the secret for the regeneration of men, because your heart, which is the foundation of abnegation and tenderness, knows the most innermost fibers of the human being. There you have the why the Father entrusted you the mission of morally forming men, showing him to take the first step, of babbling the first word and elevate the first prayer.

7. You are the faithtul and constant companion along your son's journey. To you, Nature sings in multiple manifestations.

8. How can I not listen to your supplications, since I know that forgetting about your own selves, you ask only for those who are part of your being? How can I not receive your spiritual flowers, since they are prayers, supplications and tears?

9. My maternal love which fills the Universe, waits for you in the Hereafter.

10.   Here then, my beloved, is the mother of Jesus, the same one who became a woman in the Second Era to manifest her tenderness, the one who handed you her son knowing the destiny which awaited for Him in the world.

11.1 am Mary, the sweet Mother who comforts you when you are sad, and the one who visits you when you are alone and heals you when you are sick. You are the ones who love and understand me the most, because the suffering draws you close to me. I want for you to be the apostles of righteousness, good Disciples of Christ, that the gifts of your spirit manifest and develop themselves. Be aware that the Father granted you the gift of maternity so you can teach how to love. The world has need of your comprehension and charity. Be gentle and serve as much as you are able before leaving this world, thus in that manner you will have made all those around you very happy, and within your heart, which is the true home, there shall be happiness and peace.

12.1 want to make of you an apostolate of the maternal love, since you are truly angels that God has placed on Earth to watch over all men.

13. Come to Me, Oh, mothers of the world  To heal you of the wounds which your own sons cause you. I am also a mother and My heart receives all the pain of Humanity; but I say to you that it is not the pain but rather the prayer of the spirlt, the best incense that reaches Me.

14. There is a time in a man's life when he feels happy; when he is in the prime of age; he is healthy and has charge of whatever ambition. He sees himself surrounded by affection and the world offers him everything. But afterwards, when it seems like everything is against him and he feels he is a failure, a sadness takes hold of him and then he clamors to the Highest asking for help. My spirit, who is ready to assist him, comes to his calling to heal his wounds, wipe his tears and restore the fortitude and his faith. Right there is the presence of the Mother who does not leave his side until he is up and around.

15. The maternal love is one of the greatest gifts that the Heavens has granted the human beings.

16.1 say to the one who suffers the abandonment of her life's companion; wait for him always, love him, even when he has forgotten you, bless him, do not hold any grudge. Faith is a powerfill force that accomplishes what is humanly impossible, realizing what you call a miracle. if prayers move the stars and the Heavens, why shouldn't they touch the heart?

17. And you, mother who tries to hide your son, believing that he is not a legitimate child for being the fruit of a deception in which you were the victim, do not be ashamed of becoming a mother, nor should you place the chalice of bitterness in the lips of your son. Come close to Me, heal your wound and feel comfort with the joy of becoming a mother.

18. You must not confuse the divine laws with the human ones, because a pure love, the elevated sentiment, does not ever become blemished by the world's miseries. You do not as yet know how to judge, nor do you know where the real sin lies. To be a mother redeems. Why then are there those who are ashamed of it?

19. Who then is the guilty one? The one who betrays the noble sentiments or the one who trustfully loves? Guilty is the one who violates the laws of God, who profanes the spirltual temple and offends the altar of love.

20. Do not fear, woman; the pain has purified you; your flower which you believed wilted again adorns My sanctuary. The Mother says to you: sin is in the low passions, in the vices. Of what weakness do you speak to Me about? Here then, your love has redeemed you. He who betrayed you is deep down and distant from you.

21. Continue shining as like the star, so that you may illuminate the pathway of that child who has been entrusted to you; that you can overflow upon him your maternal tenderness. That son shall be the strength of your existence, though you must lead him. Do not suffer any more, because nothing is able to blemish the garments of your spirit.

22. Do you believe that those children whom you call illegitimate, are not legitimate sons of God and for that reason does not love them like the others? Who establishes those differences in the world? Men of sin, who sentence others who are as they are. This is what Mary, your Mother, says to you.

23. Like a celestial music are your prayers in favor of Humanity. Make your heart be the place where the echo of My voice as the Mother, is heard.

24. Oh, women - mothers! Holy is the moment of childbirth, for there the veil of mystery is drawn and the wisdom of God is manifested in the power of Nature. Your eyes become clouded in that instant; the world spins around you and the body relaxes, while the spirit, elevating himself feels the presentiment of the glory, where he cannot enter, because the object of your love, the beloved son, attracts you to the world; then, you bless your pain.

25. Mary, the servant of the Lord, blesses the moment of childbirth, which is the fire that purifies and dignifies; water that cleanses and pain that redeems. The miracle takes place and elevates the woman before the eyes of God. What mother does not feel in that moment her heart filled with light and beauty?

26. But I must tell you that not all know how to become mothers. There are women who the maternity has not dignified nor has the pain redeemed them. They are withered flowers; without perfume, strayed along uncertain pathways. They did not experience any presentiment of maternal love, but someday My words will reach their heart and they will be touched before the voice of Mary, their tears overflowing with repentance. They will feel an inner peace, when they reach that recognition of what their mission is.

27. Beloved daughters: Be like the stars so that you will shine like your mother in the infinite. The love and the pain convert you into heavenly bodies that illuminate the pathway of Humanity. Allow that the tenderness becomes purified within your heart, so that its beatings are those of a true mother. Remove from your face the expression of pain that you carry and become convert into lyres whose musical notes may sweeten the heart of your children.

28. Mary says to you, that not even the ministers before the altar have received the supplicating voice of a mother; therefore, be priestesses and apostles of His love in the universal temple of Christ. Love that apostolate, caress your destiny with your heart. In lieu of love sow love, but do not concentrate in spreading tenderness to those who have been entrusted to you as sons; act so that your mantle reaches many more, be it with the word or the example, through deeds and prayers.

29. That love with which the Father has endowed you performs miracles, because to say love, is to say God, Christ, Redeemer, Martyr, Guide, Master.